Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Here are a few of my favorites of my little friend Kip.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Favorites from Sarah and Dustin's wedding

Sarah and Dustin were such a pleasure to work with. I knew right from when we met that her organizational skills and her attention to detail were going to make for a beautiful day. When we woke up the morning of the wedding to thunder showers, Sarah was a bit nervous, but by the time the ceremony was set to start, the weather was just about perfect. The ceremony was light and humorous, and Sarah was truly a stunning bride.

As predicted, the details at the reception were gorgeous, my favorite being the escort cards displayed on wheat grass, and the color choices of reds, oranges, yellows and pinks said summer in such a cheery way.

Post wedding plans included a trip to Hawaii- sounds fantastic- can I come?
Here are a few of my favorites of Sarah and Dustin. The slide show takes a minute to load, so be patient, and enjoy!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Sarah and Dustin's Wedding

Oliver goes to a wedding

Doug and Erin tied the knot in Lake City and a horde of Crested Butte folks attended. It was a terrific mini vacation. Oliver was SO excited! Here he is with his friend Ella. They had a blast! Oliver told me his favorite parts were the dancing, the band, the cake, and the sticker on his nose. Go figure, he's three. He was glued to the Jazz band for the entire cocktail hour, and waited for them while they were taking a set break. Then later, he danced up a storm with all the grownups. My future rock star, who new?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Stay tuned for my first entry...