Sunday, May 17, 2009

AWP goes to DC! sort of...

I got a last minute call from a client who is also a nurse. She was invited to go to Washington to lobby against Medicare funding cuts for Home Health Care. She asked me if I could come and photograph some of the families that her organization takes care of. It was really fun and very cool to get a peek into her life. What a wonderful way to help people. I guess it went pretty well. Here's some of the photos that went to Washington. Note that the woman in the coral shirt is 106 years old!

Here's the feedback I've gotten so far:
"Hi Alison! We are back in town, got in last night. The pictures were a HUGE hit, clearly the best of all that were brought from each state. In fact, the National Association for Homecare and Hospice (who sponsored the event) were glueing all the pictures on posterboard the morning before the speeches for us. When I went to pick up mine, they were not on the table with everyone elses. I started to get a little worried when I noticed they had been set apart from everyone. I told the representatives that the pics belonged to me. The two ladies from the association apologized stating they thought those were the new covers for Caring magazine (their monthly publication)! They were SO impressed with the quality and photo itself! In fact, after my two minute speech to congress, I was the only speaker asked to pose for a picture with the senators while holding the photo of Lena & I. Everything was a magnificent success! I had a wonderful time during this experience, thank for helping to play such an integral role!"

Pretty cool!